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Mary Beth Piedra

School Counselor

Phone (334)794-1455
Fax (334)671-7983


Dear Parents,

            I am looking forward to working with your students this year! I will be available Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to assist with any needs that arise. I have been the Counselor at Faine for almost 10 years and love it here! 

       Much of my time as an elementary Counselor is focused on preventive interventions. In order to accomplish this, I meet regularly with administration and grade level teachers to plan lesson topics for each class and determine the level of need for small group counseling as well as individual sessions. I am available to help at any time! Please let me know how I may best be of assistance. I look forward to working with all of the teachers, parents, and students at Faine Elementary! 


Mary Beth Piedra

School Counselor